Sport Birmingham is proud to become an early adopter of the RACE Equality Code 2020.
Developed by Dr Karl George MBE, it draws together over 200 recommendations outlined in reports, charters and pledges which aim to tackle diversity and inclusion challenges.
The RACE Code does not create new obligations but provides one set of standards and an overarching accountability framework based on current laws, codes and best practice. It streamlines existing recommendations into actions for organisations and their workforces across every sector. It adopts a simple yet robust ‘apply and explain’ approach as part of its four key principles: Reporting, Action, Composition and Education (RACE).
Mike Chamberlain, Sport Birmingham’s Chief Executive, said: “The great thing about the Race Equality Code is that it’s about Action, and it will enable us to build on our intent, to demonstrate our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and specifically show that we are an anti-racist organisation. We have an action plan that will work on the three levels – personal, team and local. How we develop and improve as a team and board will positively impact on how we lead and support our partners locally. Being inclusive is one of our core values, and we are determined to tackle inequalities and focus our work where need is greatest”
Dr Karl George MBE said: “The long-overdue need to tackle a woeful lack of racial diversity in the leadership of many of our organisations is finally getting the attention it deserves. Real change only happens when you are able to influence leadership – the board and executive management – and hold organisations to account. So, the focus of the RACE Code is firmly on how we deal with race inequity in the boardrooms and senior leadership teams of the UK.”
Details on the RACE Code can be found at: www.theracecode.org. The primary hashtag being used in social media activity on the RACE Code is #race.