Each year the Europod project brings together sports clubs in Birmingham linking them with counterparts in Frankfurt and Lyon. Frankfurt and Lyon are twinned with Birmingham. The project is a sports exchange and self-development programme.
Europod encourages exploring, playing, debating and sharing in the time that participants spend together, creating an unforgettable experience and encouraging the building of strong and lasting relationships. The project fosters curiosity about Europe for the participants and staff.
Europod hosted a preparation meeting in Lyon last week, bringing together participants from Birmingham, Frankfurt and Lyon to plan out their cultural exchange programme in the summer. Vision4All and Birmingham Rockets were in Lyon to engage with clubs from Lyon and Frankfurt, creating exchange opportunities for young people in Birmingham.
The aim is to use the power of sport to bring people together. Europod was born from the idea that sport is much more than training and competition. It can help to develop respect, fair play and tolerance. Even though there might be boundaries because of the language or cultural differences, sport is a universal language which allows participants to connect.
For more information about the Europod project you can visit www.europod.org or contact Callam.Dunne@sportbirmingham.org