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Birkdale Trust for Hearing Impaired

Provides grants to children and young people with a hearing impairment and to organisations who provide help to such people.
To apply for the funding, please fill out the expression of interest form here -
Club, Group or Organisation, Disability Groups, Equipment, Talented Athletes / Individual

About Birkdale Trust for Hearing Impaired

This charity exists to provide financial grants to children and young people who have a hearing impairment and to organisations who provide help to such people.

The main objectives of this charity are:

  1. To advance the education of children and young people with particular reference to those with a hearing impairment.
  2. To support any other Charitable Object, which promotes the welfare of hearing impaired children and young people which may conveniently be pursued in conjunction with the pursuits of the above...

Grant Applications:

The Charity makes grants to young people up to an age in their mid-twenties resident in the UK. This funding provides support in a variety of ways and to organisations linked to deaf young people.

The Trust welcomes applications which will always receive careful consideration. Trustees are required to respect the guidelines set down by the Charity Commission so they cannot guarantee all applications will be approved.


The Trustees meet six times per year to consider applications and all submissions will be considered at the first available meeting.

For more information, please click here.