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Enable Sport provide Sports equipment to enable talented athletes to participate in competitive sport. A common barrier for young disabled athletes to participate in sport is the lack of money for specialist equipment. Our Enable Sport Programme provides specialist disability sports equipment to support the development of talented children so that they can participate in competitive sport. We provide a range of equipment giving young athletes the opportunity to develop their skills and progress in all types of sporting activities at local, national and international levels.

Funding for LGBT Projects Run by Young People vInspired, the Volunteering Charity, has announced that its Cashpoint grants scheme has announced that its Loud and Proud grants programme is open for applications. These grants are accepting applications for LGBT+ projects. The Cashpoint grants scheme offers grants of up to £500 to give young people (aged 14-25) the opportunity to bring their ideas to life. There are no closing dates for applications and grants will be awarded on a continuous basis until all available monies are exhausted.
Sportscotland's Sport Facilities Fund (SFF) supports capital projects that create or improve places where people take part in sport and physical activity.

To support you in Sport, Education, Health & Arts.
Our Express Grants can help meet a wide range of costs, including general running costs such as rent or staff salaries; activities and events; equipment or materials; marketing and awareness-raising initiatives and training.