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vInspired’s Cashpoint

Funding for LGBT Projects Run by Young People vInspired, the Volunteering Charity, has announced that its Cashpoint grants scheme has announced that its Loud and Proud grants programme is open for applications. These grants are accepting applications for LGBT+ projects. The Cashpoint grants scheme offers grants of up to £500 to give young people (aged 14-25) the opportunity to bring their ideas to life. There are no closing dates for applications and grants will be awarded on a continuous basis until all available monies are exhausted.
To apply for the funding, please email -
Club, Group or Organisation, Coach / Officials, Disability Groups, Education / Training, Talented Athletes / Individual

About vInspired’s Cashpoint

We'll stump up the cash if:

  • The project is run by a 14-25 year old volunteer in the UK
  • The project has a clear community benefit
  • The main aim of the project is not to fundraise
  • The project is either completely new or something you've done before but would like to do differently
  • At least two unpaid 14-30 year old volunteers can help you out
  • The project costs £500 or less and vInspired Cashpoint is the only funder.

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