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Central Social & Recreational Trust Grant

The CSRT aims to improve the conditions of boys and girls under the age of 21 and of all other persons by reason of their poverty who would otherwise be unable to obtain facilities for recreational or other leisure time occupations.
To apply for the funding, please email -
Club, Group or Organisation, Equipment, Facility Development

About Central Social & Recreational Trust Grant

All young people who are to benefit must be under 21 years of age and belong to a club/organisation based in England. The Trustees will consider the application where the majority are under 21, but will not consider grants for individuals.

The Trustees will consider grants for equipment for the use of all members of the club. Individual items will not be considered i.e. personal items of kit such as gum shields, shorts, vests etc. The Trustees will consider grants to assist in the maintenance of properties as long as the property is owned by the club or there is a significant lease period.

Only clubs/organisations affiliated to their governing body will be considered for a grant. Grants will generally be no more than £1000 although the Trustees will consider applications above this figure in exceptional circumstances.

Emotional wellbeing initiatives

The last few months have been challenging, particularly for children and young people. If you have ideas or activities to boost the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people and do not have the resources, or require financial help to ensure your premises are COVID secure, the Trustees invite you to submit an application for funding for their consideration.

Please note that the Central Social and Recreational Trust has only limited amounts of funding to be allocated each year and may not be able to meet all applications.

Sport Birmingham is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by third-parties and accepts no liability relating to any information contained on the site. If any contact details have been provided, It is recommended that you contact them directly.


More information

Contact Name: Secretary to the Trust

Telephone: 020 7386 6106