About Glasspool Charity Trust
Who can apply?
We do not accept applications directly from individual members of the public.
Only organisations that operate in England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland and meet our criteria are eligible to apply.
In order for an organisation to be eligible to apply they must be either:
- A statutory organisation, charity, social enterprise, industrial or provident society, co-operative or community benefit society providing or funding support services such as: health or social care, rehabilitation, advice or advocacy services, or training and associated support; Or
- A private company contracted by a statutory organisation to provide the support services outlined above.
We are able to consider requests for the following:
- White goods
- Beds & bedding
- Essential household items and other household goods
- Clothing, including school uniforms
- Baby needs
- Contribution towards equipment and adaptations for people with disabilities where there has been an occupational health therapist recommendation.
- Flooring where there is an exceptional circumstance for people with disabilities
- Educational computer equipment/television where there is a permanent or substantial disability/illness.
Sport Birmingham is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by third-parties and accepts no liability relating to any information contained on the site. If any contact details have been provided, It is recommended that you contact them directly.