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Jane Tomlinson Appeal Grants Programme

Only applications from UK registered not-for-profit organisations will be considered. Applicants and grant beneficiaries should be based or operating in the North and the Midlands.
To apply for the funding, please email -
Club, Group or Organisation

About Jane Tomlinson Appeal Grants Programme

Grant Applications

Grants will be awarded twice a year, in line with trustee meetings.

Applications for the October 2017 grant round are now open. Please consider our criteria below before getting in touch for an application form

Read more about the grants process below.

Applications considered for funding

Funding will normally be considered for capital and revenue costs for both specific projects and for general running/core costs.

Grants are awarded for amounts from £250 to a maximum of £10,000. The awarding of grants will depend on a number of factors including purpose, total funding requirement and potential sources of other funds including, in some cases, matched-funding.

Usually, one-off grants are awarded but, in exceptional circumstances, a new project may be funded over two or three years, subject to satisfactory reports on progress.

The following are examples of areas of work which fall within the Appeal's grant policy:

  • Capital building/renovation/refurbishment works for residential, nursing, respite care and schools
  • Play schemes and play therapy schemes
  • Day and social activity centres including building costs and running costs
  • Support for families, including respite schemes
  • Independent living schemes
  • Support in the community schemes
  • Hospices
  • Minibuses
  • Advocacy projects
  • Research (cancer or children related illness)

Contact the Appeal for an application form from

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