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Parkinson’s UK Physical Activity Grants

Grants of up to £2,500 are available to support physical activity projects for people with Parkinson's all over the UK.
To apply for the funding, please fill out the expression of interest form here -
Club, Group or Organisation, Improving Health

About Parkinson’s UK Physical Activity Grants

Being active can have a significant impact on managing symptoms and living well with Parkinson's, regardless of symptoms or time since diagnosis.

The Parkinson's UK Physical Activity Grants Programme supports activity providers, communities, networks, organisations and others to develop opportunities for people with Parkinson's to become and stay active.

This programme provides grants of up to £2,500 and has been made possible by generous funding support from our partners Sport Parkinson's CIC, Boost Charitable Trust, 4DLife and others.

The next application period is: Friday April 1 to Friday 10 June 2022

For more information, please click here.