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SEPA Scottish Landfill Communities Fund

The Scottish Landfill Communities Fund (SLCF) is a tax credit scheme, linked to Scottish Landfill Tax that encourages landfill site operators to provide contributions to Approved Bodies, who can then pass the funds onto community and environmental projects. The SLCF replaced the UK scheme in Scotland on 01 April 2015.
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About SEPA Scottish Landfill Communities Fund

SLCF money can only be granted to projects that fulfil at least one of the six 'objects' given in Regulation 29(5) of the Scottish Landfill Tax (Administration) Regulations 2015. These objects can be summarised as:

Object A:The reclamation, remediation, restoration or other operation on land to facilitate economic, social or environmental use.
Object B:Community based recycling, re-use and waste prevention projects.
Object C:To provide, maintain or improve a public park or other public amenity.
Object D:The conservation or promotion of biological diversity through the provision, conservation, restoration or enhancement of a natural habitat or the maintenance or recovery of a species in its natural habitat.
Object E:The maintenance, repair or restoration of a building, other structure or a site of archaeological interest which is a place of religious worship, or a site of historic or architectural or archaeological interest and is open to the public.
Object F:The provision of financial, administration and other similar services to projects.

If you think your project fits under at least one of the above descriptions, check the detail in the regulations (or guidance) to see if you will be able to satisfy all the criteria listed for each object. If it does, move to step 2 if your project is under object C, D or E, or to step 3 for objects A, B or E.

Step 2: Project location

Projects under objects C, D and E are only eligible for funding if the project site is within 10 miles of a landfill site or transfer station. We have produced a tool to allow you to check if your project satisfies the eligibility criteria. To use the tool, you will need the National Grid Reference (NGR) of your project site. If you don't know your NGR, the tool can help you work it out from a postcode.

If the tool tells you that your project site is eligible, move to step 3.

Occasionally, the tool will ask you to contact SEPA. This is because your project location is just outside the vicinity. Please contact us on or 01698 839000, and we will look more closely at your site and the nearest landfill to see if you are eligible.

Step 3: Find a funder

SEPA does not accept or approve applications for funding. Only Approved Bodies, registered with us, can distribute funds to a project. Applications for funding should come from individuals or organisations that are operated on a not-for-profit basis.

If you would like to apply for funding, you should identify one (or more) Approved Bodies to approach. Funding for your project does not have to come from the Approved Body located nearest to you; you can apply to any or all Approved Bodies for funding. A Register of Approved Bodies is available on our website.

Each Approved Body has its own application form and process. We strongly advise that you contact them first to discuss your project before you complete applications forms. All contact information is available from the Register of Approved Bodies.

Sport Birmingham is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by third-parties and accepts no liability relating to any information contained on the site. If any contact details have been provided, It is recommended that you contact them directly.


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