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Sport for Change Coach Funding

Full funding is available for coaching qualifications as part of a Sport for Change project in the Lakenham and Tuckswood area of Norwich.
To apply for the funding, please email -
Coach / Officials

About Sport for Change Coach Funding

Sport for Change is an exciting pilot project focused exclusively within the 'Lakenham & Tuckswood' area of Norwich, where the local community will be at the heart of using 'Sport for Change' to explore different ways of tackling issues that they face.

The project will be delivered with a specific focus on utilising the Lakenham & Tuckswood communities existing assets; individuals, organisations and facilities.

Sport for Change, is the use of sport as a social inclusion tool to help bring about social benefits in a wide range of areas and settings.

This can include projects and activities that deliver increased participation in sport and have wider social benefits, including improved community integration; employability of young people not in employment, education or training; improved health; and improved social engagement to help participants avoid the influences of crime, drugs and anti-social behaviour

This initiative is funded by Active Norfolk via Sport England and Comic Relief, and involves local residents, charitable groups, statutory services and other local partners to see how using Sport for Change can support local communities to make positive social change.

As local residents are central to this initiative we are looking to develop a workforce from within the area to facilitate and deliver sport & physical activity to the community and partners throughout the two year programme and beyond.

As a result we are offering to pay up to 100% of the agreed coaching qualification course fee with an understanding that you, 'the coach', will deliver a minimum of 8 hours coaching as part of the Sport for Change project.

This coaching will be agreed on a case by case basis with Sport for Change Community Development Worker.

Who can apply?

Any individual who resides or is looking to deliver activity in the Lakenham & Tuckswood area, and who is looking to obtain funding to complete a qualification that enables them to lead on the delivery of sport & physical activity.

Supporting Documents:

sport-for-change-coach-bursary-application.doc (Document, 934.5 Kb)

Sport Birmingham is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by third-parties and accepts no liability relating to any information contained on the site. If any contact details have been provided, It is recommended that you contact them directly.

Contact Name: Aaron Roberts

Telephone: 01603 731568