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About the project

What is Levelling the Playing Field?

Levelling the Playing Field –using the power of sport to reduce over-representation of minority and ethnic groups in youth justice – has officially launched its new website.

Levelling the Playing Field (LtPF) is driven by extensive research that shows black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) children are less likely to take part in physical activity, and more likely to be involved in the criminal justice system.

By partnering with expert strategic and delivery organisations across England and Wales, LtPF aims to strengthen local sporting opportunities that are accessible and enriching for 11,200 BAME children who are at-risk of entering, or already involved in, the criminal justice system.

By empowering local people and organisations across four initial targets areas – London, the West Midlands, Gwent and South Yorkshire – the project is helping to maximise existing frontline support in affected communities.

Who is behind the project?

Sport Birmingham, Active Black Country and Think Active are providing local leadership to program in the respective areas and working to identify a network of organisations who are able to support the delivery of this program.

Visit and follow the project on TwitterInstagram and Facebook to find out more.

As the project develops, stories of its success and impact will appear in the case studies section and the LtPF social media channels.

Powered by a record £1million grant from the London Marathon Charitable Trust, LtPF is managed by the Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice in partnership with the Youth Justice Board. It comprises a multi-stakeholder partnership of over 60 organisations.

Project leader, Rudro Sen, commented: “After testing and evaluating in our four initial delivery areas, our aim is to scale up across England and Wales, bringing more opportunities and support for our beneficiaries, increased connectedness and trust with local criminal justice agencies and ultimately fewer children from minority ethnic groups involved in crime.”

For further information about Levelling the Playing Field, please email

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