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Backing The Best

Backing the Best has been developed to support talented young athletes who, because of their family's financial situation, might not get the opportunity to fulfil their sporting potential.
Talented Athletes / Individual

About Backing The Best

Sport England funding that has to be done through NGBs and SportsAid.

  • Backing the Best has been developed to support talented young athletes who, because of their family's financial situation, might not get the opportunity to fulfil their sporting potential.
  • Backing the Best will help England to develop talent from areas that it might otherwise miss out on. It will help athletes with limited resources realise their potential without having to worry about petrol costs, hotel stays, kit, or even the most basic tools – such as trainers or the right food and nutrition.
  • Priority for disabled athletes, females and those from BME backgrounds.

Athlete nominations are made by NGBs alongside the existing SportsAid Award process in November of each year.

How to get involved

SportsAid will be working with coaches and national governing bodies of sport to identify the athletes for whom an award could make a big difference.

Annual awards of up to £5,000 will be made on a case-by-case basis, specifically contributing to essential costs such as travel, accommodation, kit and support by coaches and physios.

The first awards will be made in February 2016 with up to 100 young athletes expected to benefit in the first year, rising to around 200 in subsequent years.

To find out more and get in involved, an athlete should speak to their coach and/or national governing body. NGBs are able to make nominations to SportsAid in November.

  • You can follow this new funding story on Twitter, using the hashtag #BackingTheBest

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