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Boost Charitable Trust

The Trust supports charities or non-profit making organisations with a focus on sport. All of its activities are designed to champion the disabled and disadvantaged and to inspire them to overcome their challenges through sport.
To apply for the funding, please fill out the expression of interest form here -
Talented Athletes / Individual

About Boost Charitable Trust

Boost Charitable Trust was created in 2005 to Build On Over-Looked Sporting Talent, to champion the disabled and disadvantaged and to inspire them to overcome their challenges through the power of sport.

Since inception, Boost has supported a number of organisations, wtih grants totalling in excess of £1.25 million. The majority has been focussed within the United Kingdom.

All our activities, which you will find detailed on this website, are designed to give opportunities to those who wish to fulfill their sporting ambitions, at any level.

Boost believes that sport is for everyone, and we hope to work with people from all ages, race, colours, creeds and physical abilities.

Objectives of Fund

The Trust aims to give opportunities to those who wish to fulfill their sporting ambitions, at any level.

Value Notes

Grants of £500 are available.

Larger grants may be available to projects that are of particular interest to the Trust.

Who Can Apply

Charities and non-profit making organisations in the UK that have a focus on sport are eligible to apply.

Eligible Expenditure

Funding is available for projects that give opportunities to those who wish to fulfill their sporting ambitions, at any level.

How To Apply


Applications may be submitted at any time.

Frequency: Rolling Programme.

Link to guidelines:

Useful information:

Eligible applicants must submit their bid, no more than two sides of A4, detailing:

  • Name of organisation, what the organisation does and list of beneficiaries.
  • Reason for seeking funding, details of the project and approximate funding requirements.

Applications can be received either by email or letter.