About Kent Youth Trust -Grant Award Scheme
Grant Types
1) £1000 Matching Grant - A contribution towards a large Youth project where the awardee organisation is able to match it with £1000 or more.
2) £500 Major Grant - A grant towards the cost of equipment or an activity that will be to the benefit of multiple young people
3) £250 Small Grant - A grant towards the cost of equipment, activity, or the development of members
4) £100 Personal Development Grant - A contribution up to £100 towards the training course fee
To be eligible to apply for a grant it must come from: Youth oriented organisations based in Kent. An individual associated with and sponsored by a youth organisation in Kent.
In an annual award round, an organisation may be permitted to submit multiple applications across the range of grant types, but, if successful, will only be awarded one across the Matching, Major and Small categories. It may be possible for multiple personal development grants to be awarded to a single organisation.
Application Timetable Applications for small projects and personal development can be submitted throughout the year. Applications for larger projects will be accepted at pre-determined dates allowing for competitive assessment of submissions.
Form Application will be via the KYT website, where a downloadable form can be found. The form can be completed and submitted via email.
Full details on the application process via KYT-Grant-Application-Process-Terms-and-Conditions-June-2021.pdf (kentyouthtrust.org.uk)
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