About Making a Difference Fund
Applications can be submitted for up to the value of £1500. Applicants can only reapply for funding for new projects after 12 months. Applications will be considered for approval on 27th of February, June, and November of each year and applications must be received by the 1st of that month to be considered.
If you would like to apply for the Making a Difference fund, you will need to complete an application form which you can download from our website www.homesinsedgemoor.org or request one via post by calling 0800 585 360.
Along with your completed application form, please also include:
- Your organisation's most recent accounts or financial information
- A list of names and addresses of your management committee
- A copy of your child protection policy/vulnerable adults if applicable to your project
Return your completed form to:
Homes in Sedgemoor,
Bridgwater House,
Kings Square,
Sport Birmingham is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by third-parties and accepts no liability relating to any information contained on the site. If any contact details have been provided, It is recommended that you contact them directly.