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The True Colours Trust

Trustees of the Trust are committed to supporting a large number of excellent local organisations and projects that support disabled children and their families on a daily basis.
To apply for the funding, please email -
Disability Groups, Equipment, Improving Health, Social Welfare Outcomes

About The True Colours Trust

UK Small Grants Programme

This programme is designed to support excellent local organisations and projects that work with:

  • disabled children and young people;
  • children and young people with life-limiting conditions;
  • and their families.

It provides grants of up to £10,000, although many grants are smaller than this.

The programme is open to applications at any time. We aim to respond to your application with a final decision within six weeks. We aim to support as many organisations as possible, and therefore are unlikely to fund any organisation in consecutive years. If you are successful in receiving a grant, please wait at least a year after the completion of your project before reapplying.

Sport Birmingham is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by third-parties and accepts no liability relating to any information contained on the site. If any contact details have been provided, It is recommended that you contact them directly.


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