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We work together with local, regional and national partners to help co-ordinate and deliver physical activity opportunities for young people to help them achieve the recommended levels of 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Our funded programmes include the School Games, Primary PE & School Sport Premium, Active Lives Children Survey and The Daily Mile.

These pages aim to act as a one-stop shop of information and support for schools to help them to deliver high quality PE and sport and to offer opportunities for young people to be active throughout the school day. It brings together local and national information, resources, and updates as well as links to providers and organisations that can offer support.

Our current priorities

Our current priorities are:

  • Advocating the key role of PE, school sport and physical activity for the overall health and wellbeing of children and young people.
  • Identifying and supporting schools that require advice and guidance around PE, school sport and physical activity to create more ‘active schools’.
Active Birmingham for Schools

Active Birmingham

Active Birmingham makes it simple for children and young people to get active. The activity finder is an online search tool that makes it easy to search for a wide range of activities. The tool can be found on our Find local activities page.

The widget is available to schools, and can be installed directly on your school website. By connecting your school, you provide parents and young people with direct access to local activities straight from your website. For more information and instructions on how to access and connect this widget, contact

Birmingham School Games – overview

The School Games is an exciting nationwide initiative designed to continue the magic of the London 2012 Olympics through School Sport Competition.

The School Games programme is a celebration of competitive school sport and culture by creating a year-round calendar of competition for all young people in years 3 to 13 across the city that will inspire them to get involved in competitive school sport.

It also provides opportunities to get involved, not just as participants, but also in other areas such as event organisation, officiating, volunteering and cultural activities.

The School Games initiative is made up of four levels of activity:

  • Intra-school competition – sports competition for all students in each school.
  • Local cluster inter-school event – coordinated by School Games Organisers across the city.
  • City-wide school competitions and festivals – a city finals event for competitions or open developmental festivals for selected schools
  • A National multi-sports festival – held every 2 years and delivered by Youth Sport Trust.

Sport Birmingham support the delivery of the School Games across Birmingham by working closely with the network of School Games Organisers and coordinating the city-wide competitions and festivals.

School Games Handbook

What are the Birmingham School Games challenges?

One of our Birmingham School Games Challenges which allows school pupils to continue participating in the School Games from home with easy to set-up, personal challenges to develop skills.

Click here for more challenges

The Birmingham School Games Challenges are virtual online challenges for children across the city. This provides an opportunity to engage with the School Games throughout the summer term. These virtual challenges focus on a different sport each week and encourage school children across the city to get involved and stay active whilst at home or at school. The challenges are designed to keep children moving and provide them with the opportunity to continue developing their sporting skills. Each challenge requires minimal equipment and can be done at school, home or in the garden along with friends, parents or siblings so everyone can get involved in the School Games!

To get involved in these challenges, please register at

The Birmingham School Games, along with many other events and programmes, needed to adapt this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Birmingham School Games Organisers and Sport Birmingham were determined to ensure that children and young people across the city were still able to be involved, develop their skills and try different sport challenges. As a result, the Birmingham School Games Challenges were developed and school pupils across the city were able to take part in 10 weeks of sports challenges that could be completed at home and with minimal equipment.

As a project endorsed by United by Birmingham 2022, the challenges began on Monday 1st June and ran for 10 weeks, with a different sport focus and 3 challenges to complete each week. Over 4,500 users from 170 schools across the city registered to be involved, while the website ( received 16,500 views over the course of the challenges.

Click here to read more or download the below impact report.

For more information on getting involved, please contact your local School Games Organiser.

How do you register for the Birmingham School Games Challenges?

Click here to register

You will be asked for an invite code which can be received by contacting your school or you can email with the school name and we will send you the correct code.

Once you have your invite code, just follow the instructions and you’re ready to go!

School Games organisers

Find the Your School Games website here. Once registered on here you will be able to find your local area’s competition calendar plus much more.

If you have any further school games enquiries please contact your local School Games Organiser detailed below, or us here at Sport Birmingham.

SGO Contact Details
AreaSchool Games OrganiserContact
Kings Heath BoysElliott
Bishop ChallonerDerek
Clifton PrimaryRobin
Hamstead HallJo
King Edward AstonHelen
Wilson StuartFaye

How to Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved in the games:

  • Volunteering
  • Competing
  • Cultural Competitions

You can find out more about the School Games here. 

For information on how to get involved in competitions locally please contact your School Games Organiser using the details above.

Alternatively, you can contact James Grinsted at Sport Birmingham for general information or details about the Birmingham School Games.

The Daily Mile

The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances.

The Daily Mile is a social physical activity, with children running or jogging – at their own pace – in the fresh air with friends. Children can occasionally walk to catch their breath, if necessary, but should aim to run or jog for the full 15 minutes.

We want every child to have the opportunity to do The Daily Mile at primary school.

The Daily Mile Works!

  • It takes place in 15 minutes, with most children averaging a mile, or more, each day.
  • Children run outside in the fresh air – and the weather is a benefit, not a barrier.
  • There’s no set up, tidy up, or equipment required.
  • No staff training is needed and there is no extra workload for teachers.
  • Children run in their uniforms so no kit or changing time is needed.
  • It’s social, non-competitive and fun.
  • The children return to class ready to learn.
  • It helps to improve fitness and achieve a healthy weight.
  • It encourages children to be aware of their health.
  • It’s fully inclusive; every child, whatever their circumstances, age or ability, succeeds at The Daily Mile.

Read about the 10 core principles of The Daily Mile here.

Access information for schools here.

Sign up here!

Active Learning Time in Physical Education: The SHARP Principles – Teaching Resources

Source: Newman University

The SHARP Principles (Powell, Woodfield and Nevill, 2016) have been designed to help teachers and coaches to increase the amount of time children engage in physical activity during primary physical education lessons. The SHARP Principles place a focus on active learning time in lessons which provides the children with opportunities to practice their movement skills. Practitioners can apply the SHARP Principles to their existing planning.

The SHARP Principles have increased moderate to vigorous physical activity in PE lessons to 75% (average) of lesson time and are the most effective in comparison with similar strategies.

We have developed resources which are available free of charge to support practitioners with the planning and delivery of active physical education lessons. Practitioners can view the YouTube video here and request the resource cards from our online store.

We hope to offer teacher workshops in the future which will be advertised via social media.

Click here to watch video

Access our SHARP free resource cards from our e-store

Change 4 Life Healthy Year Calendar

This colourful and engaging interactive calendar features exciting activities to help you inspire your class to eat well and move more.

Don’t forget to keep track of your class’ progress by saving your changes after you click to reveal the joke, riddle or fun fact of the week.

Download the KS1 and KS2 Calendars here.

Pathway to Podium

What is Pathway to Podium?

The Pathway to Podium initiative has been designed to recognise and encourage schools’ contribution to Physical Education, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA).

It celebrates the positive work that schools are delivering in terms of PESSPA and supports schools to improve their offer for the benefit of children and young people.

Pathway to Podium is available for all schools across Birmingham and is designed to increase the opportunities for young people to be active for a minimum of 60 minutes every day.

How does Pathway to Podium Work?

Pathway to Podium will provide a set of criteria across 5 key areas of PROFILE, PARTICIPATION, PERFORMANCE, PEOPLE and PLACES.

Schools will complete an initial self-assessment on each of the 5 key areas and receive a rating (bronze, silver or gold) based on their responses. Schools will need to evidence key strategies they have implemented, the impact this has had on the outcomes and progress for young people and their plans for future development.

Schools will be supported to develop an action plan that enhances their school offer in PESSPA and improves the outcomes for young people. Schools will be encouraged to re-assess on a yearly basis to evidence improvements and prioritise further developments.

How do schools get involved?

The Pathway to Podium initiative is open to all schools in Birmingham.

Please read the Overview document below that summarises the initiative and the process involved to ensure schools are supported throughout and can use the initiative as a successful development tool for your school’s PESSPA offer.

If you wish to find out more information or have any further questions, please email

View the Pathway to Podium Overview Document

School Documents

Please complete your self-assessment, save and submit the completed document via email to

Click here to find out more about Pathway to Podium
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